Markus Reuter – Truce 2

Markus Reuter - Truce 2 (Moonjune, 12.01.2022) COVER(49:55, Digital, CD; 12.01.2021 (digital)/15.03.2021(CD))
“Truce”, die Zwote. Von Markus Reuter & Co. Zwei Jahre nach dem Erstling hat der Maestro der Touch Guitar einleitend Folgendes dazu zu sagen:

“A bit over 2 years ago, the first TRUCE album came to us as a big surprise. Upon its release it was an instant success and fan favorite. That was another, most-welcome surprise. Now, two years later, we are about to put out the follow up album, TRUCE 2.
The time between these 2 recording session is where things got interesting. No need to explain about the practical impact the pandemic had on us. Cancelled concerts, cancelled recordings sessions, etc. Things had turned out quite differently from what we had in mind for the band.

But anyway, as we were playing the first few takes in the studio in July 2021, we quickly realized that playing like on the first album just didn’t work. This was suddenly a new band that was like a stranger to us. Yes, we’re the same people, but it felt like there were new souls in our bodies. The self-reflection and the emotional rollercoaster had left an imprint in our souls, and it is reflected in the music for me.”

Und was war da nun so anders?

Fabio Trentini plays basses, Asaf Sirkis plays the drums, and I play Touch Guitar and electronics. The setup was similar to the first album’s recording, but this time Fabio had 3 basses with him: The Wal fretless bass that he had use with us before, but also a fretted 5-string bass, and an electric upright bass. We were recording at Ritmo&Blu studios in the north of Italy, with engineer and co-producer Stefano Castagna, who became very important in the post-production process. And then there was Leonardo Pavkovic, who inspired us with his proverbial enthusiasm, encouragement, optimism and smiles.

Das “klassische” Jazz-(Rock)-Trio (bis auf die Touch Guitar) nimmt ab den ersten Takten von ‘The Rake’ mit einem lupenreinen, druckvollen Sound gefangen – und hält gleichzeitig mit fast Merzbow-haften, noisigen Dissonanzen doch auch ein wenig auf Abstand.

Das bleibt zumindest für den Autor auch im Folgenden so – weder bei ‘Rounds Of Love’ mit seinen Beinahe-Auto-Unfall-Sounds und dem mächtig-groovenden Bass-Spiel noch beim insektenhaft-flirrenden, surrenden ‘Barren’ gesellt sich echtes Wohlbehagen zum Respekt für das großartige Spiel des Trio Infernale.

Positiv abstechen aus dem ganzen hypervirtuosen Gefreake tun aber subjektiv die Frippertronics von ‘Melomania’ und der neben diesen auch mit sagenhaftem Fretless-Bass-Spiel gesegnete, ruhigere Album Closer ‘One Cut Suffices’.
Und wie stets zählen letztlich nur eigene Höreindrücke, die hier darum besonders empfohlen werden.
Bewertung: 10/15 Punkten

Markus Reuter (touch guitars AU8, soundscapes, synthesizers, treatments)
Fabio Trentini (fretless bass, fretted bass, electric upright bass, synth bass)
Asaf Sirkis (acoustic drums, percussion)
Stefano Castagna (recording engineer, editing, additional production)
Leonardo Pavkovic (project initiator, enabler and executive producer)

Surftipps zu Markus Reuter:
last.fmProgArchives (Stick Men)

Rezension Stick Men “Owari” (2021)
Rezension “Aufbruch” (2021)
Rezension “Shapeshifters” (2020)
Rezension “Music Of Our Times” (2020)
Rezension “Truce” (2020)
Rezension Herd Of Instinct “Unravel” (2020)
Rezension Xavi Reja “The Sound Of The Earth” (2020)
Rezension Dusan Jevtovic “If You See Me” (2020)
Rezension Stephan Thelen “Fractal Guitar” (2019)
Rezension “Face” (2017)
Rezension Stick Men “Roppongi” (2017)
Interview mit Markus (2017)

Abbildungen: Markus Reuter / Moonjune