Jetzt ist es amtlich. Der ehemalige Black Bonzo Drummer Mikael Isreaelsson tritt die Nachfolge von Tobias Lundgren an. Der “neue” Schlagzeuger war schon letztes Jahr bei “Baja Prog” und der “Cruise To The Edge“-Kreuzfahrt dabei, während Tobias zu Hause Nachwuchs erwartete. wünscht Moon Safari eine erfolgreiche Cruise 2015 – und dem neuen Schlagzeuger gute Sterne!
Entnommen von der Moon Safari-Facebookseite:
“News! We’re just four weeks out from another Cruise to the Edge, and we’re preparing some solid sets with a sprinkling of new stuff. It’ll be good to get out there and play again, imagine the sun will do it’s part in getting us in the mood also!
In relation to this, it gives us great pleasure to announce that Mikael Israelsson, a veteran of last years Baja Prog and CTTE performances, will be filling the spot as drummer in the band. We go way back with Mikael, as he’s been a part of the small prog family in our hometown since the late 90s. We shared a rehearsal room with him when he was playing for Black Bonzo, and, fun fact, he actually played the piano on the first demo version of Doorway back in 2003! No idea what the cosmos is telling us with that, but we’re glad to have him with us!”